Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Invitation To Lia Sophia

Apples ripen in August

One of the reasons - probably the only one - of keeping the work I do is that it gives me the opportunity to confer, occasionally, small big prizes. That means a lot often in more or less impulsive purchases, all gravitating around the sphere of culture and personal experience. Owning things I do not care, where their value goes beyond the mere contemplation. Take the jewels, for example, then that is my field of work. Although I enjoy as an employee of undoubted advantages in price, I've never bought a jewel in six years. Not for me, if nothing else - which I found to be rather common practice. I happened on numerous occasions to have anything to do with items that were worth staggering. Yellow diamonds, blue and pink as big as nuts, carpets incredibly perfect sapphires on frames, wax covered with stones of every color and origin. Yet in the face of all this I remain indifferent. I understand the rarity of certain "gifts" of nature, but in front of a display case with five rings, equivalent to five penthouses in the heart of Rome, I do not feel the desire to have a . In fact, I'd be scared because that thing there, that huge pile of money with a specific gravity tends to infinity would also take me to a lot of trouble - and this is always based on my theory on the balance between good and evil. Of course, not even remotely risk to come into possession, but it was an extreme example to show you that really to me many, many material things and "generic" can be as clothes, shoes, handbags, jewelry, cars, electronic gadgets and so on and so forth ... I do not give just a strain. I spend on photographic equipment, workshops, books, films, exhibitions, music and travel.
So today, on top of the mound of autoregali / investment made in recent months, I put the final icing. Ciliegiona. Indeed, Apple directly: this summer, two weeks in New York. Now I just have to find a room in Manhattan. We accept suggestions! We
two big apple ... Finally gained six.


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