Sunday, March 4, 2007

Knee Prosthesis Failure

Frank and The Ugly Zanchetti Zanchetti

Frank and The Ugly found themselves working together after many years, back when Frank was still a corrupt cop, but then happened what happened that night The Ugly needed a trusted person with which to retrieve a load whores and viados from Brazil that had to replace the stables of The Bad, strained by the recent attack made by the organization of Dr. Murda.

The Ugly "is that idiot was arrested by the police while he was playing with those others in an illegal gambling that idiot, daughters have told you a thousand times that there is going to play with those others."

They left to go to the rum and the past, they came to conclude the business completely drunk and tired, that you remember.

Frank wakes up the next day with his shirt torn and his face bleeding, no idea of \u200b\u200bhis whereabouts, no trace of The Bad, whores or who had beaten him in that m ode.

Frank had caused during the night, and had sparked an uproar, only the fury of The Bad ruisci save him from a massacre.

The place of business seemed almost normal the next day, all the bodies were gone, only the black earth with blood and bullet holes were to witness the clash.

The Dirty, which came out of the cage at night thanks to a lawyer pimp, she found herself having to carry the Ugly shoulder with his head split while dragging the whores chained.


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