Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Washington Dc Male Wax

Frank knew he was not a good match on the square, a middle-aged sballone recognize him from afar, and it was useless to try to make the bully with the girls, now had which recognizes a face from a distance.

Marked by the withered and tried to drag his boring fuck some drunk sixteen. The Merry
passerine turned up and down the music.
Frank's going back, look around these filthy cowards.
I like to touch you, even though I already knew that you go fuck yourself. Frank
pay to drink and asks why the bitch does not speak ..... Are you an entrepreneur?

I am one who does things right.

The bitch seemed afraid of that answer, but he had already forgotten while he was drinking from my glass.

And 'I do not like to talk if I have nothing to say.


Frank is one of those who never looks into his eyes, it is only to watch but.
That evening he went home and did not come.


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